Sonntag, 19. Februar 2017

Remembering a Champion of Personhood

Contact: Genevieve Wilson, Georgia Right to Life (GRTL), 404-285-4218


NORCROSS, Ga., Feb. 18, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) today honored the memory of Norma McCorvey, who went from being the face of the abortion movement to become a powerful pro-life advocate.


"Her conversion to Christianity lifted the veil hiding the lie at the heart of Roe v Wade and awakened her to the truth that a pre-born child is in fact a person and deserves constitutional protection," said GRTL President Ricardo Davis.


McCorvey, who died Saturday, was the Jane Roe in the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision. In that ruling, the court denied that a pre-born child is a person, thereby unleashing a holocaust that has claimed 60 million precious lives.


"She is proof that God changes hearts and makes people aware that slaughtering innocent children is evil and must be ended," Davis said.


Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that have adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century.

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